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What is Copy Writing? Tips to Write Effective Marketing and Sales Copy

 What is Copy Writing?

Copywriting is the art of writing content for the purpose of marketing and advertising its aim is to increase brand awareness. Copywriting is the most demanding skill today. a good copywriter who is good at their work can easily make a six-figure income. On the internet, copywriting is used for sales, marketing, social media ads, and email newsletters.

Top 6 tips for writing effective copywriting

  1.   AIDA
  2.    Headline
  3.    Opening
  4.    Features into benefit
  5.    Offer
  6.   Guarantee

The first step to writing an effective sales copy is AIDA

1.       AIDA

AIDA is the abbreviation of Attention, Interest, Desire, and Call to action.

·        Attention grabs the interest of the reader with an interesting heading.

·         A good opening of sales copy grabs the interest of the reader.

·         Create desire by talking about the interest of readers like DO  you want to learn to freelance

·         Action means Call to Action creates a call to action right after you create scarcity and give assurance to your potential lead, for example, the first 100 students get this course 100% free so hurry up and enroll now

Limited time offer

2.       How to write an Attractive Headline / Heading?

Start your sales copy with an attractive headline a good headline or a heading grabs the attention of the reader. The headline is one of the most important things when you write a sale copy heading is the first thing that’s reader read before reading your sales copy

·         Starts heading with Numbers, for example, 5 ways to start an online business

·         Use How in your heading for example How to start an online business?

·         Use Mistakes  in your heading for example 5 Mistakes New Startups Must Avoid

·         Ask questions in your heading for example Do you want to learn Digital marketing?

·         use 5WS in your heading for example  Who, When What, Where and Why


3.       Opening

After you have constructed your primary headline, your sub-headlines (commonly known as opening) needs to tell the potential buyers about what they will get from your product or service. Only after you have clearly stated what your business purpose is and how the users will benefit from your offer. You need to focus on the next part and which is, showing some success stories.

4.       Features into benefits

Flip feature in to benefit is an important part of effective copywriting for example flipping a feature into a benefit is, For weight loss programs that focus on cutting fat within one week, the best way could be by asking a question, Want to look hot and sexy like your favorite movie star? A good example of turning a feature into a benefit of protein powder instead of talking about protein powder ingredients you can talk about its benefits with the use of this protein powder you can build strong muscle and gain lean muscle mass. 



Offer is an important and attractive part of copywriting you can offer discounts or give attractive proposal offer attract the reader or customers, for example, Do you want to learn Digital Marketing for the first 100 students we offer a 100% discount hurry up and enroll now. Here a 100 % discount is an offer for the first 100 students. you can also offer a free trial 

6.       Guarantee

Offer a strong guarantee a long guarantee to build customer trust in your product like give a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our product or services we give a 100 % money-back guarantee. a long guarantee builds trust in customers. if you give a guarantee  to the customer they will not hesitate to purchase your product or services        


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