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How To Rank Your Gig On Fiverr?

 How TO Rank Your Gig on Fiverr?

Fiverr when we hear that name the first thing comes to mind is freelancing

what is freelancing and how we can earn with freelancing how? Freelancing or freelance is a job where

a person works for themselves on a contract. we can say that a freelancer is a self-employed person. he is his own boss.

Fiverr is a non-traditional market place in which a person is a buyer who buys a service or gig from freelancers if you want to be a successful freelancer and get your first order or more order then you should make an effective gig related to your services and you should also rank your gig on top of the list in this blog I tell you how to rank your gig and get your first order  

1- Keywords & Title Tags  

 if you want to make effective gig that may rank top of list and gets your first order then first you should spend your time on searching a keyword that have low  competition key words that have  700 to 1700 search result are good for you  pick this keyword and make your gigs steps includes

  • chose a keyword related to your gig category                                         
  • search that gig on fiver and pick the top 5 gigs and open those gigs                            
  • write the title of that 5 gigs in your notepad                                          
  •  carefully read those 5 gigs you opened and write the Tags use in these 5 gigs in a notepad     
  • Read the keywords, Title, and Tags write on a notepad and notice the common keywords title and Tags use in these 5 Ggs now you get your tags and title                            
  •  After the analysis is done, now carefully create your own Title Select your category and subcategory
  •  now add Tags that you shortlisted from Top 5 Gigs  

Click on Save & Continue. You have completed the basic step

2 Packages:

  •    .Search your Main Keyword on Fiverr include best-selling   .
  •     Open 5 to 10 random Gigs.
  •     Read their Packages carefully.
  •     Analyze what is the common thing in all of those packages. And write it on a notepad
  •     Create Packages by looking at those successful Gigs that are already doing well on Fiverr

3- Description:

 Gig “Description” is as follows

  • The first line will contain your main Keyword.
  • In a new paragraph you should write about your service.
  • In a new paragraph, “Call to Action you can ask a question from buyer
  • Need to describe my working structure, how I work, and then an irresistible offer.
  • A detailed explanation of my service
  • Reasons to choose me. The ‘Why’s very important in attracting a view on the Gig.
  • What will the client get in the delivery? Source files etc.

 4 Images and Videos:

Now add images or video of your work the images is attractive the attractive image attract the buyer you should also attach a video file if you notice top-rated freelancers profile they attach a video sample of their work

     5 Promote Your Gigs

Promote your gig by sharing your gig on social media platforms like Facebook Instagram YouTube LinkedIn
